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Four more tips on how to recruit candidates using social media

Here are four more essential tips on how to best use social media to recruit candidates.

This post is a continuation of Four tips on how to recruit candidates using social media.

5. Use Linkedin

This social network appeared after Facebook, focusing only on business networking and connecting with work colleagues. You must post a profile of yourself or create a company page for your business so that it can be seen by others. One important thing is to make sure that you ALWAYS keep your profile up to date! Nothing worse than show disinterest towards your personal image!

6. The more contacts the better…?

Not necessarily so. Sometimes it might be better to focus on building a more solid relationship with fewer candidates and other recruiters rather than have a network so big that you aren’t even sure who you know and where from. Yet having a large number of people in your network can help you extend your reach to help you find the perfect candidate! Try to find the adequate approach according to your social media and company strategy

7. Advanced searching techniques

To most people, the concept of searching something online involves simply typing a keyword and browsing through the results displayed. Using only keywords will often yield irrelevant results to your search. Have a look at google search string commands to find out some commands that a typically accepted in most search engines. They will help you narrow down and find that candidate you are looking for!

8. The searched becomes the searcher

Don’t forget that you, as a recruiter, are not the only one out on a search. Many potential candidates are always seeking out new job opportunities and researching about companies. Once again, never let your companies online profile slip into oblivion, always keep it up to date so that candidates can better understand your company.

Based on: Volt

How to choose the best career for yourself

The choice of a career path is typically a big question mark in the professional lives of many people. Doubts may surface as to whether continue on a current job or seek a new path. It is important to certify that the job that you do is truly something for which you have passion for.


Once entering college, you typically may have a slight idea of what you may want to follow in the future, but you cannot most certainly pinpoint exactly where your true passion is directed. It is actually common for the opposite to happen; you choose an area of study and work which you later on find out you dislike.

In all true fairness, how are you expected to know what you like if you never actually done anything related to the job previously? So if you can’t rely on an actual concrete experience to know what you like, where can you find guidance?

So if passion can’t guide you, what can? Well, begin by choosing a career that fits well with your skills and values. Since you actually have some sense of what those are (hopefully), this is a good starting place.

A second way to choose a job is basing yourself on your ambitions. You can opt for a promotion focus, where you advance as quick as possible, seeking rewards, recognition and achievements. Instead, you could select a prevention focus, where you seek to hold on to what you already achieved and work slowly, securing your personal space.

To better understand each of these focuses, here are some characteristics of each different profile:

Promotion- focused people excel at:

  • Creativity & innovation
  • Seizing opportunities to get ahead
  • Embracing risk
  • Working quickly
  • Generating lots of options and alternatives
  • Abstract thinking

(Unfortunately, they are also more error-prone, overly-optimistic, and more likely to take risks that land them in hot water)

Prevention-focused people excel at:

  • Thoroughness and being detail-oriented
  • Analytical thinking and reasoning
  • Planning
  • Accuracy (working flawlessly)
  • Reliability
  • Anticipating problems

(Unfortunately, they are also wary of change or taking chances, rigid, and work more slowly. Diligence takes time.)

In other words, Promotion-focused individuals seek risks, fast growth and ever-changing work environments and markets. Typically, you enjoy spearheading projects and lead teams. And the Prevention-focused individuals prefer to carefully plan their next move based on a complex analysis of all factors involved, as well as having an eye for detail.

The job market has space for both types. All in all, it is important for you to know yourself! Don’t be in a hurry to jump into the first job offer you get. Instead, reflect about what you want for yourself and where you want to reach!

Based on: Forbes

Four tips on how to recruit candidates using social media

The internet offers a wide variety of possibilities once it comes to the usage of social networking as a means to communicating and exposing your company’s brand.

A subject which is being actively discussed among recruiters today is the usage of social media for finding the best possible fit for a placement opportunity. Yet, at the same time, some confusion might arise once it comes to finding the appropriate tool for homing in on the candidates you want to attract to your company.

Here are four tips on how to effectively use social media for recruiting the right candidates:

1. Select a social network which best suits your needs

As mentioned before, the internet has a wide variety of social networks available. It is important to have in mind the industry and line of business your company is inserted into. For example, Facebook has extremely broad criteria for finding potential candidates while on the other hand, LinkedIn focuses specifically on an individual’s professional life rather than their personal life or hobbies.

2. Announce available placement opportunities on your profiles

Never forget that it is important to let the online world know that you are looking for someone to fill a specific position. Even though this might not directly target your specific candidate, someone might know that person you are seeking!

3. Your current employees are a good thermometer for the outside world

Your current employees are the perfect “showcase” to attract other potential candidates. Happy, motivated and well integrated workers will typically display a positive image of how your company works internally. Eventually, someone might see how well your employees speak of your company and ask them about a possible placement opportunity.

4. Always give a helping hand

If you see other companies or recruiters looking for a specific profile, help them by announcing their placement opportunity on your social network profile. This generates rapport and in the future an exchange of candidates among recruiters!

Based on: Volt

Social media and recruitment go hand in hand

Over 92% of companies use Social Media networks for recruiting candidates.

Have a look at this graph by staff.com for some more interesting facts related to recruitment and social networks online.


Successful Organizations Need Leaders At All Levels

Anybody who has ever watched interviews with managers or coaches of professional sports teams will have heard plenty of discussion of the need for leaders throughout the team. The same thinking is also increasingly a preoccupation of business people. Indeed, the need for “leaders at all levels” is one of the 12 critical issues identified in the Global Human Capital Trends 2014 survey published earlier this month by Deloitte University Press, the publishing arm of the professional services firm’s leadership center.

In a paper examining the findings, Adam Canwell, Vishalli Dongrie, Neil Neveras and Heather Stockton – who work for Deloitte in a range of locations  – point out that leadership “remains the No. 1 talent issue facing organizations around the world,” with 86% of respondents to the survey rating it “urgent” or “important.” However, the fact that only 13% say they do an excellent job of developing leaders at all levels means that this area has the largest “readiness gap” in the survey.

Finding good leaders has, of course, always been a crucial issue for all sorts of organizations. This is why the armed forces, for instance, put so much effort into training their officers and why business schools and other providers of executive development have thrived. But the Deloitte team argues that “21st-century leadership is different”. Canwell and his colleagues write: “Companies face new leadership challenges, including developing Millenials and multiple generations of leaders, meeting the demand for leaders with global fluency and flexibility, building the ability to innovate and inspire others to perform, and acquiring new levels of understanding of rapidly changing technologies and new disciplines and fields.” No wonder organizations are coming up short.

Almost inevitably, the problem is felt to be especially acute today. This is a result of the strengthening of the global recovery, the desire on the part of the companies to expand in new markets and the growing numbers of older leaders choosing to retire.

A key part of the solution identified by the Deloitte team is for organizations to develop leadership pipelines at every level. At present, it says, companies are not only not developing enough leaders, they are also not equipping those they are creating with the critical capabilities and skills they need to succeed. “Today’s market environment places a premium on speed, flexibility and the ability to lead in uncertain situations. At the same time, the flattening of organizations has created an explosion in demand for leadership skills at every level.”

It appears that there is no avoiding spending money when it comes to dealing with this situation. The best performing companies already spend thousands of dollars each year developing each would-be leader on their staff, with the figure for senior leaders in the tens of thousands of dollars. Creating strong leadership programs for leaders at all levels – as advocated – requires sustained and substantial investment. At the early stages in the leadership pipeline, potential leaders need to acquire core skills in supervision and management, with frequent assignments to build on this base. Later on, they need to understand all the business functions before becoming executives, when business and product strategy will be central, along with experience of driving change within large teams. Companies need to understand that there are no shortcuts to building broad and deep leadership teams. New leaders typically need 18 months before feeling fully comfortable in a new role, while for those in the mid-level the period is more likely to be two to three years.

The paper also calls for companies to be more flexible in terms of leadership paths. Some leaders will move into senior roles relatively quickly because of a particular situation, while others will develop more slowly.

Above all, though, organizations need to realize that developing leaders amounts to more than having a selection of training programs. “Senior executives should create a culture that broadens the opportunity for leaders to develop in new ways,” writes the Deloitte team. “This means putting potential leaders in positions that stretch them beyond their current skill sets, and continuously coaching and supporting leaders so they can build their capabilities as rapidly as possible.” This is increasingly well recognised, say the authors, but it is “simply not widely adopted and practiced”.

Where should companies begin? A few starting points include:

Engaging top executives to develop leadership strategy and actively govern leadership development.

Aligning leadership strategies and development with evolving business goals

Focusing on three aspects of developing leaders – developing leaders at all levels, developing global leaders locally and developing a succession mindset

Implementing an effective – and unique – leadership program.

But there is no time to delay. The best-performing organizations are already on their way.


SOURCE: Forbes