Stakeholder Centered Coaching

We help you find and attract the best possible people matching the requirements of your vacancies as well as the culture of your organisation.

We are proud to be amongst the first teams in Europe to be certified in Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching. This innovative leadership development program differentiates itself from the multitude of other programs in following essential characteristics:


  • Measurable improvement

    It produces measurable improvement in selected leadership behaviour;

  • Co-defined behaviours

    The participating stakeholders co-define the behaviours which the leader/manager accepts to improve upon;

  • Blind Spots Avoided

    The inevitable blind spots every individual possesses are avoided by a 360° view;

  • Better team work

    This approach promotes much better internal communication and enhances team work;

  • Measurable behavioural changes

    This innovative concept produces high, measurable and longer lasting effectiveness and behavioural changes for both the organisation and the leader itself.

For more information, we invite you to contact one of the MGSCC certified HCI partners »

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To develop an individual or a team does not only require individual motivation, effort and dedication but also group support; stakeholders involved in the betterment of the parts and the whole.