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Archive from "Talent Management"

Five ways in which engaged employees are different

How is it possible to identify a consistent employee? The best way to know is only through time. It is difficult to hire someone new and already know beforehand if they are consistent or not.


Here are five signs of how to identify a consistent employee over time:



  1. They take responsibility for their own performance


Simply put, engaged employees do what needs to be done while disengaged employees wait for the company to do things for them. They take initiative and know exactly what needs to be done in order to produce and organize all tasks.


  1. They feel little sense of entitlement


Highly engaged employees focus more on what they can provide to the organization rather than what the organization can provide to them. They don’t waste their time expecting perks and rewards for having done their job and are highly motivated.


  1. They engage customers


They can’t help but to get busy with attending the needs and wants of customers. While disengaged employees need to have customers forced upon them, engaged ones naturally attract customers who make them feel that they are enthusiastic about the company and their job.


  1. They remain engaged anywhere


Highly engaged employees remain engaged on their work even outside of the work environment. They adapt and mold the conditions of the external setting to what they require to get their work done. They focus on results and have a drive to reach them even when they are doing out calls.


  1. They apply six behavioral drivers


Individuals who take personal and primary responsibility for their own engagement consistently apply six behavioral drivers: connecting, shaping, learning, stretching, achieving, and contributing. The ongoing process of applying these drivers allows them to sustain high levels of engagement over time.

Based on: TLNT

Five unusual ways to find a job

Finding a job can be a tiring and repetitive activity at times. It involves a routine search and filtering of placement opportunities which might appear interesting to you.


Sometimes it might be a good idea to think out of the box!

 Thinking out of the box

Here are five unusual ways in which you can search for a job:


1. Be honest.

It is common for people to feel ashamed that they are jobless. Be honest when someone asks what you do for a living and say that you are currently looking for a job. This might open a door which you didn’t expect. Despite what you may think, this is a form of networking. The person to whom you said you are looking for a job might know of someone or a company which is looking for someone to hire


2. Don’t do what you love

Despite this going against what preached in the circles of career and life coaching, not following your supposed passion might be a way to finding a job.

Sometimes, if you insist on following a pre-existing passion, you might be blocking out possible job opportunities. It is common for you to find a passion of which you are not even aware with an unexpected job proposal


3. Invent and create your job

It may be easier sometimes to create your position rather than fitting yourself into an exsiting one. What is meant by this is that you should use your creativity in order to seek out a completely different position than that what you expect for yourself.


4. Listen to the market

Pay attention to what the job market is saying. Try to tune in and listen to what it is broadcasting. You may surprise yourself and find that you were approaching things the wrong way.


5. Start at the top and move down

Instead of searching for your typical everyday HR department of a company, try to reach the higher ups! Getting your CV into the hands of a high ranking executive can get you into a position which you didn’t even know was available.

The science of motivation

Motivation does not simply appear out of nowhere.

It must be found, cultivated and used as a fuel to reaching your objectives.

See this interesting infographic which summarizes the concept of motivation.



SOURCE: incblot.org

Five mistakes managers shouldn’t make

Managers aren’t always doing the best they can when they manage people. Many mistakes are committed by them which usually happened due to ignorance of lack of knowledge.

Managers are the frontline of a company’s executives. They reflect the choices and policies selected by those who control the companies decisions and future.

If managers make too many mistakes, those who they manage will begin to get irritated and frustrated and eventually quit their jobs!

Here are five common mistakes managers make and which should be immediately remedied:



  • Not seeing employees as people

It is common that with so much work that managers forget to see employees as human beings with individual needs, desires, characteristics and feelings. Managers should get to know more about their employees but this does not necessarily mean that they should be their personal therapists!

  • Not giving a clear direction

Managers might not be able to transmit what they expect of others and what they should aspire as a team. They should establish priorities to each task individually and not make every single task of the same priority. A balance must exist between establishing too many priorities and not establishing any priorities at all.

  • Lack of trust

The lack of trust from managers can be poisonous as it will not only affect small everyday tasks but also the entire department or even company. A strong symptom of lack of trust is micromanaging and not delegating enough tasks to employees.

  • Poor listening

Listening is essential in order to understand the needs of your employees as well as giving them the proper attention and recognition they deserve. If your employees feel they are being listened, they will feel that they are being respected by you as well, generating a higher level of trust and communication.

  • Taking decisions and listening for feedback

Managers should be able to decide things on their own but also be able to listen for the feedback of others on certain issues or sticky decisions to be made. This will enable employees and make them feel highly valued, resulting in higher motivation!


Based on: About money

Why sales are lower than what you expect

Sales are a central part to many companies, which means that sales teams must be invested in and well trained.

But many times, be it due to poor training or lack of commitment, the return from a sales team is lower than expect.

A research done by the National Sales Executive Association shows data on the persistence involved in sales.


statistics on sales