HCI Blog

Leading through serving others

Upon receiving a promotion, employees that become managers typically expect to have their functions modified. This means that besides having to do tasks which are expected from them individually, they must oversee the execution of tasks performed by those who they supervise.

Surprisingly, many senior executives might laugh at this idea.

Despite what they may think, managers are of central importance to the work process. In the end, the assume responsibility for how those under them perform and are held accountable for results.

Author Ken Blanchard introduced the concept of Servant Leadership. According to it, leaders must serve the needs of his people rather than his own. This relates to the idea that managers need to be mentors rather than kings that need to be served by others so that his needs are met.

servant leader

Some traits of servant leadership include:

  1. Listening – This is the most important of all. Without listening, which is the first step towards good communication, servant leadership becomes a one way street.
  2. Empathy – Understanding is very important to a leader. The problems and needs of other need to be comprehended.
  3. Healing – Empower others to remedy their problems and mistakes.
  4. Awareness – Being honest regarding what you see around you.
  5. Commitment to the Growth of People – Instead of helping those around him only grow professionally, servant leaders should help others grow as a person.