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Archive from "Leadership"

Tony Robbins on Leadership

Tony Robins tells us what he thinks about what it truly means to lead. He defines leadership as being a true servant of a group of people, a concept very similar to that o servant leadership.


Watch this short video to discover more about this concept of leadership.

Three Daily Habits to Success

This short and interesting video show us three simple habits we can practice everyday in order to reach success.

Take your time to see this, as it may change your work habits and even your life.

9 tips to successful leadership

A leader is not only someone who is above or ahead of other or his team. A leader is someone who can incorporate a series of characteristics in order to obtain results with the resources provided to him and make the best come out of each of his team members.


See here nine simple steps to developing a leadership habit:

1- Instead of holding your team responsible for doing all the work, set the example of what kind of work you expect of them by working youself.

2- Não Don’t be very emotional, but at the same time don’t stop yourself from displaying feelings about certain situations when necessary. Find a balance point!

3- Develop the ability of clear comunication. Remember that good communication also involves listening!

4- Establish clear goals with your team. Make them tangible, realistic and measureable.

5-Don’t discuss wok 100% of the time with your time. Relaxation is necessary as well as non-professional interaction.

6- When a conflict arises, always maintain your cool. A good leader must set the example by being serene.

7- Caso sua equipe deixou de cumprir prazos, não puna eles; busque descobrir a razão pela qual isso ocorreu e trabalhe o problema.

8- Sempre se utilize do planejamento antes de iniciar um trabalho. Estabeleça prazos, metas, datas, etc.  Always plan before starting a project. Establish deadlines, steps, player, etc.

9- Develop rapport with your team members. Don’t seem inaccesable.

Five signs that show you may have lost your leadership touch

Leaders may with time lose their touch. A constant self-awareness and occasional leadership coaching is necessary. If not, leaders may begin to display several negative characteristics which will only make his teams life more complicated within the work place.

See here five characteristics that display that you may have lost your leadership touch:

1. You need to always be in control

This is usually synonymous to centralizing everything on you alone. Every single decision needs to go by you. This will make your team lose efficiency and not necessarily make your work become perfected.

2. Delegating with strings attached

As said before, centralization results in inefficiency. Delegation is necessary! But some leaders delegate with string attached.

In other words, there is no problem in doing what you want as long as you do it the way your boss wants you to do it. Micromanaging is a wall to progress in teams.



3. Loyalty at all costs

You demand unquestionable loyalty and respect from those around you even if you have not earned these.

Eventually, you will have people speaking out against the way you conduct things and demand that they chose who they will side with.

In the end, this can be summarized as plain and simple intimidation.

4. Keeping your image at all costs

Bosses that seem distant may also not display emotions or admit that they are wrong.

At the same time, all of this distance from employees may be a reflection of problems in your personal life!

5. “I’m your boss, not your friend”.

Bosses who say this will come through as being ruthless and unfriendly.

It is common for bosses like this to typically humiliate others in public in order to assert their own position of dominance.



Five steps to becoming a strong leader

Leadership is a value of great importance to the world, independent of the setting. Every organization requires leaders to direct and lead.

But leaders aren’t created with the snap of a finger; leaders must be developed over time and cultivated within the organization.

Here are five steps that must be taken to become a strong leader:



1. Requires effort and dedication

Leading is not as simple as it seems. Proclaiming out loud that you are a leader doesn’t simply make you one.

Leadership requires focus and practice. It is a habit which must be developed and refined over time. With time, you will learn to see the bigger picture and know exactly how to behave in the environment you live in..

Characteristics you will need to develop include good communication, commitment and specially self-awareness! And remember, you will never stop learning how to become a good leader, the process is eternal and ongoing for the remainder of your professional life.

2. Multitasking functions

The job position or job title of “Leader” does not exist. If you are leading within your company, you most likely have a handful of other functions to perform.

You will have to handle people from within and from outside of your organization, including peers, team members and even customers. Therefore, you must be capable of managing all of these people and all of the functions involved with your position.

3. Don’t overload yourself: delegate

Through delegating, you as a leader are empowering your team. You can’t simply do every single function on any given project. Delegation is central to the success of any organization.

Delegation must be focused and directed. You must know well your team and their capabilities. Through this, you must correctly place the best person possible for a specific task.

Some leaders think that once they delegate, they no longer need to attend to that specific demand of a project or task. Wrong! Leaders need to make themselves available to assist after delegating!

4. Communication is everything!

Leaders must know how to communicate! To some, this comes as a natural talent. To others, it may require practice and development. But the most important part of being a master communicator is being open to feedback!

Rather than being able to express yourself, it is just as important to be able to listen to others!

5. Embody your vision of leadership

Leaders must embody the values they want employees to adopt.

They must be role models to those who they lead!

No great leader ever got anything done without inspiring and empowering others. Leadership can’t happen in a vacuum.